CosmosConverter application deployment through Java WebStart


The XML schema used to produce the Cosmos XML files is available for viewing at:

This XML format is derived from the COSMOS 1.20 format. The schema is currently under development.

To view in Netscape, click on this link, then select View - Page Source from the top menu.

A sample CosmosFormat1.20 file can be seen at:

A sample xml file can be seen at:

A sample xsl stylesheet can be seen at:

and the resulting html can be seen at:

You may download, install and run the CosmosConverter tool via Java Web Start, which monitors changes to the converter on this website and downloads these changes from this website automatically. This application requires Java WebStart and Java version 1.4 or later from Sun Microsystems. Both Java Web Start and the necessary version of the JRE are available free from Sun at: Java Web Start.

Warning: This is an alpha version of the Cosmos Converter, for test purposes only, which will convert from the Cosmos 1.20 text format or the CosmosXML format to several common formats. As a test version, this application is not guaranteed to work in any capacity, and may be modified at any time. There is no authentication on the modules downloaded, so the downloader assumes all risk.


This application includes modules from Sun Microsystems:
The Apache Software Foundation
the Kunststoff Look and Feel from Incors:
and the Castor XML Mapping software from Exolab:
In addition, one module contains classes generated by Castor

You may preview screenshots of the converter:
Screenshot 1 Screenshot 2.

This page is under construction.