Consortium of Organizations


Strong - Motion Observation Systems





The Committee for the Advancement of Strong-Motion Programs (CASMP)


December 19, 1997

Oakland, California

Table of Contents


CHAPTER I — Purposes and principles of COSMOS *

Article 1 — Purposes *

Article 2 — Principles *


Article 3 — Membership *

Article 4 — Types of Membership *

Article 5 — Membership Application and Status *


Article 6 — COSMOS Components *

CHAPTER IV — General Membership (GM) *

Article 7 — GM Composition *

Article 8 — GM Functions and Powers *

Article 9 — GM Voting *

Article 10 — GM Procedures *

CHAPTER V — Strong-Motion Programs Board (SMPB) *

Article 11 — SMPB Composition *

Article 12 — SMPB Functions and Powers *

Article 13 — SMPB Voting *

Article 14 — SMPB Procedures *

CHAPTER VI — Secretariat *

Article 15 — Functions and Powers *

CHAPTER VII — Senior Advisory Council (SAC) *

Article 16 — SAC Functions and Powers *

Article 17 — SAC Composition *

Article 18 — SAC Voting and Procedure *

CHAPTER VIII — Finances *

Article 19 — Finances for Establishment of COSMOS *

CHAPTER IX — Data-Dissemination Requirements for the Membership *

Article 20 — Data Dissemination Requirements for Members *

CHAPTER X — Technical Assistance *

Article 21 — COSMOS Assistance *

CHAPTER XI — Amending the Charter *

Article 22 — Amending the Charter of COSMOS *

Chapter XII — Adoption and Signature *

Article 23 — Adoption *

Article 24 — Signature *

Article 24 — continuation — Signature of Endorsement for Core Strong-Motion Programs members *

addendum I *

near-Term Implementation tasks for Data Dissemination *

addendum II *

Flow Chart for COSMOS Policy Evolution *



WHEREAS earthquakes cause catastrophic loss of life and property,

WHEREAS these losses are reduced and public safety enhanced by effective planning and design of the built environment and by focussed earthquake response and recovery,

WHEREAS each of these actions depend critically on accurate and timely strong-motion measurements and information,

WHEREAS there is an acute shortage of strong-motion measurements and information,

WHEREAS present technology allows cost effective and efficient integration of earthquake measurements, AND

WHEREAS strong-motion measurements and information are essential to minimize the otherwise massive cost of seismic hazard mitigation and recovery,

We the members of the Consortium of Organizations for Strong-Motion Observation Systems (COSMOS) determined

to reduce the catastrophic effects of future earthquakes on life and property reaffirm the need to significantly enhance public safety and protect the economic health from future earthquakes through:

acquisition and dissemination of critically needed sets of in-situ measurements of damaging ground-shaking and the resultant response of the built environment,

advancement of programs to acquire and disseminate these measurements, known as strong-motion data, development of adequate resources to acquire and disseminate rapidly sets of strong-motion data from the next damaging earthquake and avoid missing another infrequent but critical opportunity for public earthquake safety,

rapid dissemination of strong-motion information through optimum use of modern technologies,

advancement of the use of strong-motion data for the design of new facilities and evaluation of existing facilities, and

advancement of the use of strong-motion measurements and information for post-earthquake response and recovery,


to coordinate the efforts and interests of member organizations to acquire, disseminate, and utilize critically needed strong-motion measurements and information ,

to establish principles and methods for the effective development of the foregoing,

to support the advancement of member strong-motion data acquisition and dissemination programs,


Accordingly, our respective Agencies, Institutions, and Organizations, through representatives assembled in the city of Oakland, have agreed to the present Charter of the COSMOS and do hereby establish a consortium to be known as the Consortium of Organizations for Strong-Motion Observation Systems (COSMOS).

CHAPTER I — Purposes and principles of COSMOS

Article 1 — Purposes

The Purposes of COSMOS are:

  1. Develop policies and foster innovative ideas for the urgent improvement in the strong-motion measurement and their applications,
  2. Promote the advancement of strong-motion measurement in densely urbanized areas and other locations of special significance to society likely to be struck by future earthquakes,
  3. Encourage and assist the rapid, convenient, and effective distribution of strong-motion data according to COSMOS standards,
  4. Strengthen, expand, and support strong-motion programs,
  5. Serve as a consortium through which programs and institutions can work to solve mutual problems with instruments, data and its dissemination, and data utilization, and
  6. Advance systematic user influence on data acquisition and data dissemination processes.

Article 2 — Principles

The Consortium and its Members, in pursuit of the Purposes stated in Article 1, shall act in accordance with the following Principles:

  1. All Members, in order to ensure the rights and benefits resulting from membership, shall fulfill in good faith the obligations assumed by them in accordance with the present Charter.
  2. Members agree to adopt COSMOS recommendations and participate in COSMOS activities to the extent that these are in accord with member organization’s missions, needs, policies, and resources.
  3. Members shall be committed to increase seismic safety through the acquisition, dissemination, analysis, and/or application of strong-motion measurements and information.
  4. Members who record strong-motion data agree to make such data available conveniently and rapidly to users in established COSMOS format, within the practical constraints of their institutions.
  5. The COSMOS shall not recommend actions that would adversely affect carrying out the mission of member organizations.
  6. Member strong-motion programs may, through the COSMOS, benefit from other member programs, to address mutual strong-motion data acquisition and dissemination concerns, advanced recording technologies, instrument technologies, maintenance techniques, and data dissemination technologies.



Article 3 — Membership

  1. Membership in the COSMOS shall be open to all agencies, organizations, private companies and consultants, professional institutions, professional societies, and universities, which accept the obligations contained in this Charter and are able and willing to carry out these obligations.
  2. Members of the COSMOS shall be organizations that agree to support its purposes and principles and to be governed by its Charter.
  3. The admission of any member in the COSMOS will be effected by action of the Strong-Motion Programs Board (SMPB) upon the recommendation of the General Membership (GM), as provided in Articles 8 (10) and 12 (4).
  4. Members may withdraw from the COSMOS by sending a letter to the Chair of the GM stating their withdrawal and its effective date.

Article 4 — Types of Membership

The COSMOS shall have two categories of membership:

  1. Regular members, comprised of organizations of two types:
    1. Strong-Motion Program Members, consisting of organizations which operate and maintain five or more strong-motion stations on a permanent basis or maintain major strong-motion data dissemination facilities,
    2. Strong-Motion User Members, consisting of earthquake engineering research centers, universities, research institutions, government agencies, private companies and consultants or other organizations that use strong-motion data directly either in research or in the professional practice of earthquake engineering or emergency response and recovery,

  2. Affiliate Members, comprised of agencies, organizations, private companies, professional organizations, and universities of two types:

    1. Strong-Motion Services Members, which include special-interest organizations, including instrumentation manufacturers and software providers,
    2. Liaison Members comprised of professional societies, such as Earthquake Engineering Research Institute (EERI) and Structural Engineering Association of California (SEAOC) and public agencies, such as Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), and National Science Foundation (NSF) with a specific interest in advancing the status of strong-motion observation in the United States, or other organizations concerned with earthquake-recording or data-dissemination efforts, such as Council of the National Seismic System (CNSS) or Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology (IRIS).

Article 5 — Membership Application and Status

  1. An organization may apply to become a member of the COSMOS by: 1) providing a description of its work or interest in strong motion, 2) pledging support to the purposes and principles of the COSMOS, 3) identifying membership status for which it is applying, and 4) identifying the official representative of the organization to attend regular meetings of the COSMOS.


Article 6 — COSMOS Components

There are established as the principal components of the COSMOS:

  1. General Membership (GM),
  2. Strong-Motion Programs Board (SMPB),
  3. Senior Advisory Council (SAC), and
  4. Secretariat.

CHAPTER IV — General Membership (GM)

Article 7 — GM Composition

  1. The General Membership (GM) shall consist of all the Members of the COSMOS.
  2. Each Member organization shall designate one official representative and one alternate for the meetings of the GM.
  3. The official representative and alternate shall serve terms not to exceed 4 years without renewal. *

Article 8 — GM Functions and Powers

  1. The GM may discuss any matters within the scope of the present Charter or relating to the powers and functions of any components provided for in the present Charter, and, shall make any recommendations to the SMPB.
  2. The GM should call the attention of the SMPB to opportunities and situations, which are likely to influence the advancement of strong-motion measurement.
  3. The GM shall endeavor to effect excellent communication among the members regarding knowledge about strong-motion data collection dissemination and use.
  4. The GM shall develop recommendations based on studies, working group contributions, and workshops for the purpose of pursuing the purposes according to the principles of COSMOS as stated in Chapter I, Articles 1 and 2.
  5. The GM shall receive and consider annual and special reports from the SMPB as provided by its Chair.
  6. The GM shall receive and consider reports from the other components of the COSMOS.
  7. The GM shall elect the Chair of the GM to serve a term of two years.
  8. The GM shall elect Elected members of the SMPB from a slate of nominees provided by a Nominating Committee appointed by the Chair of the GM and shall elect Standing members from a slate of nominees provided by the SMPB.
  9. The GM shall elect six members of the SAC.
  10. The GM shall recommend nominations for regular and affiliate members.
  11. The GM may recommend suspensions of rights and privileges when members do not comply with purposes, principles, and provisions of the COSMOS Charter.
  12. The GM may periodically review and recommend changes to the purposes and principles of COSMOS.
  13. The GM may establish Working Groups in concurrence with the SMPB to conduct various tasks and responsibilities of COSMOS.
  14. Representatives of Member organizations shall be eligible to serve on committees, working groups, and councils to draft standards and policies.

Article 9 — GM Voting

  1. Voting privileges shall be restricted to the official representative of each Regular Member of the General Membership (GM).
  2. A quorum of the GM shall be 40 percent of the total GM.
  3. Decisions of the GM shall be made by a simple majority of the members present at an official meeting or by letter ballot.

Article 10 — GM Procedures

  1. The GM shall meet in regular sessions, typically yearly. Meetings may occur at or near the time and location of the annual meeting of the Earthquake Engineering Research Institute. A special meeting may be called if requested by at least ten percent of the GM or the SMPB.
  2. The meetings of the GM shall be conducted according to Robert’s Rules of Order with recorded minutes.

CHAPTER V — Strong-Motion Programs Board (SMPB)

Article 11 — SMPB Composition

  1. The Strong-Motion Programs Board (SMPB) initially shall consist of ten Regular Members of COSMOS of which four members are Core members, three members are Standing Members and three members are Elected Members.
  2. Core Members initially shall include the major, publicly supported U.S. strong motion programs: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, Calif. Div. of Mines and Geology, and the U.S. Geological Survey. The representative of each Core member on the SMPB shall be the organization official with direct management responsibility for the organizations strong-motion program.*
  3. Standing Members shall be the Chair of the SAC and two members to be elected by the GM from a slate of candidates provided by a nominating committee from the following categories:
    1. private or university strong motion programs with 20 or more stations,
    2. major distributors of strong-motion data, and
    3. the national earthquake engineering centers.

  4. Elected Members shall be regular members of the COSMOS elected by the GM to two-year terms. They shall include the elected Chair of the GM and two additional members elected by the GM to represent the interests of small strong-motion programs, structural engineering, geotechnical engineering, lifeline engineering, engineering seismology, emergency response or post disaster response community.
  5. The Executive Director of the Secretariat shall be an ex-officio member of the SMPB.

Article 12 — SMPB Functions and Powers

  1. The Strong-Motion Programs Board (SMPB) has primary responsibility for establishing policies of COSMOS.
  2. The SMPB shall act in accordance with the Purposes and Principles of the COSMOS as set forth in this Charter.
  3. The SMPB shall submit annual and, when necessary, special reports to the GM.
  4. The SMPB shall admit new Members of the COSMOS on recommendation of the GM as provided in Article 8 (10) after initial formation.
  5. The SMPB shall review Standing membership categories every two years to reflect institutional involvement.
  6. The SMPB shall nominate a slate of candidates for each of the Standing membership categories specified in Article 11 (3) from which the GM shall elect Standing Members of the SMPB to serve terms of two years.

Article 13 — SMPB Voting

  1. Each member of the SMPB shall have one vote.
  2. Decisions of the SMPB on all matters shall be made by an affirmative vote of two-thirds of the total membership.
  3. A quorum of the SMPB shall be two-thirds of the SMPB members.
  4. A member shall not vote if they have a potential conflict of interest on the matter before the SMPB. Voting to recommend a system or policy that may benefit the member financially constitutes a potential conflict of interest.

Article 14 — SMPB Procedures

  1. The representative of each Core Member organization shall serve as the Chair for the SMPB for two-year terms, in rotation. Members have the option of waiving their term as Chair.
  2. The Chair of the SMPB shall rotate in an order to be determined.
  3. The SMPB shall conduct at least two meetings per year. The SMPB shall prepare minutes of its meetings for presentation to the GM.
  4. The SMPB may establish such advisory committees and working groups, as it deems necessary for the performance of the functions of the COSMOS.
  5. Logistic and administrative support for meetings and other activities during a given year shall be provided by the organization represented by the current Chair, unless other arrangements are made and approved by the SMPB.
  6. Any Member of the COSMOS may participate and non-members may participate without vote, in SMPB debates.*
  7. The meetings of the SMPB shall be conducted according to Robert’s Rules of Order with recorded minutes.

CHAPTER VI — Secretariat

Article 15 — Functions and Powers

  1. The Secretariat shall conduct the administrative affairs of COSMOS.
  2. The Executive Director of the Secretariat shall be appointed by the SMPB. The Executive Director of the Secretariat shall report to the SMPB.
  3. The Executive Director of the Secretariat shall serve as an ex-officio member of the SMPB, SAC, and GM.


Article 16 — SAC Functions and Powers

  1. The Senior Advisory Council (SAC) is established to promote and advance strong-motion information for purposes of public earthquake safety.
  2. The SAC shall provide continuing broad overview of strong-motion needs and promote and encourage the expansion of investment by government bodies and private entities in strong motion instrumentation. The SAC will provide high-level review and comment and when appropriate recommend endorsement of instrumentation proposals being developed or submitted, providing support and/or recommending revisions for improvements.
  3. The SAC will provide high-level overview of strong motion activities independent of specific network programs, identifying strong-motion data needs, and conceiving, identifying, and developing strategies to move the state of the art and practice in strong-motion instrumentation and data utilization forward in keeping with the mission of reducing earthquake hazards.
  4. The SAC is established as an advisory council of the COSMOS with recommendations to be presented to the SMPB for review and adoption.
  5. The SAC shall respond to specific requests of the SMPB and may develop unsolicited advice and recommendations for the COSMOS.

Article 17 — SAC Composition

  1. The Senior Advisory Council (SAC) shall be comprised of 14 members. Four members of the SAC shall be senior management officials of the Core member institutions. The chair of the GM and the chair of the SMPB also shall be members of the SAC. The other Core members of the SMPB shall be ex-officio members of the SAC.
  2. Four SAC members shall be appointed by the SMPB to serve two-year terms.
  3. The GM shall elect five members of the SAC. *

Article 18 — SAC Voting and Procedure

  1. Each member of the SAC shall have one vote.
  2. Decisions of the SAC on all matters shall be made by an affirmative vote of a majority of members present.
  3. A quorum for the SAC is defined as a majority of SAC members.
  4. The meetings of the SAC shall be conducted according to Robert’s Rules of Order with recorded minutes.
  5. The SAC shall hold one meeting per year and meet more frequently as warranted.
  6. The Chair of the SAC shall be elected by the SAC membership.


Article 19 — Finances for Establishment of COSMOS

  1. Initial ongoing day-to-day costs of COSMOS are expected to be minimal.
  2. Travel costs of member representatives for the purpose of participating in GM meetings will be borne by the member organizations.
  3. Travel costs of member representatives to participate in SMPB and SAC meetings will be borne by the member organizations, unless other arrangements are approved by the Secretariat. Administrative costs will be borne by the current Chair member organization of the SMPB, unless other arrangements are approved by the SMPB.
  4. Special donations or other support from private or public entities may be accepted to support the costs of larger workshops or other planned events.
  5. The Secretariat shall develop a financial plan for COSMOS to develop a fiscal basis to support activities beyond the minimal operating costs necessary to initiate COSMOS.

CHAPTER IX — Data-Dissemination Requirements for the Membership

Article 20 — Data Dissemination Requirements for Members

The COSMOS members commit to effective, timely release of high-quality recorded strong-motion data and information.

  1. The COSMOS strong-motion program members commit to timely release of strong-motion data after an earthquake, releasing data as rapidly as practical in the context of their organization’s specific mission requirements.
  2. The COSMOS members understand that appropriate organizational credit for data is critical for the long-term health of strong-motion programs. Therefore all data released by the COSMOS members will be credited to its originating program.
  3. The COSMOS members understand that making the utilization of data convenient for users is important for its effective use, and agree to handle record format issues with appropriate care. Members agree to the extent practicable to distribute their data in the approved standard Strong Motion Data Format (SMDF). When adherence to SMDF is not practicable, members agree to hold to a single format and avoid changes from year to year or earthquake to earthquake. Members choosing this alternative are encouraged to make available at their web site or by other means a conversion program, which will convert their format(s) to SMDF. They also agree not to discourage others from providing such conversion programs.
  4. The COSMOS members agree to assist in the development and evolution of a critically needed master database of all strong-motion stations by providing information on station location, site conditions, and instrument information to the COSMOS.

CHAPTER X — Technical Assistance

Article 21 — COSMOS Assistance

  1. The COSMOS may assist with or arrange instrument loans, training programs, and other means of helping strong motion programs.
  2. The COSMOS may facilitate the use of strong-motion data through various types of assistance to data users.
  3. The COSMOS may provide certain utilities and support to members upon request to facilitate data dissemination.

CHAPTER XI — Amending the Charter

Article 22 — Amending the Charter of COSMOS

Amendments to the Charter of the COSMOS require:

  1. two-thirds vote of the GM, and
  2. two-thirds vote of the SMPB.


Article 23 — Adoption

  1. The initial members of COSMOS shall include the members of CASMP.
  2. The present Charter shall be adopted when signed by a majority of the membership of the CASMP and a majority of the representatives of the Core Members of the COSMOS.
  3. The adopted copy of the Charter shall be deposited with the Secretariat of the COSMOS and with the SMPB upon their establishment.
  4. Nothing herein is intended to require any member to waive their intellectual property rights or otherwise surrender intellectual property without its consent. *


Article 24 — Signature


Article 24 — continuation — Signature of Endorsement for Core Strong-Motion Program members

Article 24 a — California Division of Mines and Geology

Article 24 b — U.S. Army Corp of Engineers

Article 24 c — U.S. Bureau of Reclamation

Article 24 d — United States Geological Survey


Near-Term Implementation Tasks for Data Dissemination

  1. Data Distribution via Internet Linking. To assist users in their access to strong-motion data, while assuring appropriate credit for the data, the COSMOS members agree to coordinate their data distribution through Internet-based linking of their data distribution. Although this is a data center only in a virtual sense, its goal is to be as effective as a physical central data center, but without sacrificing credit to the appropriate source of the data, and not sacrificing user convenience. It is intended that certain charges will be associated with data records and information distributed in this way once that can be done without unduly inconveniencing data requesters. A Data Dissemination Working Group shall be established by the SMPB to provide input to the strong-motion programs on this and other data dissemination issues.
  2. Strong-Motion Data Format. To establish a data format convenient for users and effective for data disseminators, a Data Dissemination Working Group will convene during 1998, and from time to time thereafter, to recommend a strong motion format for approval by the COSMOS and to plan any subsequent evolution of the format.
  3. Format Conversion. It is expected that certain members or others with special interests in earthquake recordings will provide tools to convert data from SMDF to formats, which may be in use at various times by network seismologists or others. These alternate converter programs will be made available at their web site, for general use, and with appropriate credit citation.
  4. The Data Dissemination Working Group shall develop a master station list incorporating station locations, site conditions, and instrument information based on the input from the COSMOS program member organizations for the stations in their networks.
  5. Near-real Time Use of Strong-Motion Data. Near real-time disaster assessment and rapid emergency response require strong-motion measurements of shaking on and near critical lifelines, hospitals, emergency response facilities and other man-made structures throughout earthquake-stricken urban areas. Real-time and near-real-time measurements can and should be an integral part of strong-motion data acquisition and dissemination programs. A Real-Time Working Group under the direction of the Secretariat upon request of the SMPB shall be established to define and integrate near-real time and real-time strong-motion monitoring concepts for purposes of public earthquake safety. The Working Group shall report to the SMPB. This group shall be established immediately upon adoption of the COSMOS Charter. It shall plan and conduct a national workshop to clearly define the important role of strong-motion measurement in near-real time disaster assessment and emergency response and conduct other activities as appropriate.



Flow Chart for COSMOS Policy Evolution